Sunday, March 6, 2011

my life.

I'm back after taking a long break off blogging.
I've been pretty stressed out lately. trying to get my ass back on board.
so yeah. at least school holiday's are approaching in a week. (:
and Spring Dance is next friday! I'm just too overly excited and I can't wait!!!

okay, so I've decided. I'm gonna start cheerleading in ACS.
high chance, it's not gonna work.
but it's worth the try.

stuff to do during the March short but relaxing break.
  1. get my ears pierced. PROPERLY.
  2. do some dress shopping. (it's spring, semi-summer, loads of pretty dresses out on stock)
  3. get my hair highlighter with a mix of purple and brown. more of brown tho. and purple like the picture above.
  4. STUDY.
  5. workout a hell lot.
  6. learn at least 1 song on guitar.

I haven't been resting this weekend. met up in town with Jazz and G. bestey couldn't make it in the end. we had like lotsa food - some weird chocolate drink, B&J's and then macs. we played pool and I saw a few familiar people over at Cine. we went on with neoprints. and our day just ended off like that. oh, we had Chem class in the morning and I had to wake up early to get my IC done.

whereas today, I had catechism. so another early day. gonna take a short power nap before I start off with homework and some workouts.

peace out.

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